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Wellness Exams

Puppy/Kitten Pediatric Wellness Exam

Puppies and kittens should be examined and have their vaccination series started around 8 weeks of age. At this time, we should check a stool sample for parasites. A lot of puppies and kittens pick up parasites from their mothers. If your new pet is a kitten, we recommend that it be tested for Leukemia and FIV.

Puppies and kittens need to be vaccinated every 3-4 weeks for distemper combination vaccines. It is very important that you complete the vaccination series or your pet will not be completely protected.

Until the vaccination series is complete you should not take your pet to public places, such as parks, pet stores or any other place where they may be exposed to other animals. Your pet will receive a 1yr rabies vaccination at its last pediatric exam.

Most flea, tick and heartworm preventions are labeled for puppies and kittens 8 weeks of age and older and we recommend you start your pet on prevention at this time. If you are not planning on breeding your pet we recommend having it spayed or neutered, which can be done anytime after 6 months of age.

Wellness Exams

Adult pets should be examined at least once a year. At the yearly check-up your pet will receive an exam and any annual vaccinations that are due. If you have a dog it should be heartworm tested at this time and you can pick up their monthly preventions.

Ask a member of our staff about our junior wellness package for dogs and cats.

Senior Wellness Exams

As your pet ages it may require a more extensive work-up. Pets are considered seniors at about 7 years of age depending on breed. We recommend your senior pet be examined at least twice a year.

It is important to detect problems early and establish baseline values for your individual pet. Ask a member of our staff about our senior wellness package for dogs and cats.

Does your senior pet need help climbing stairs, jumping into the car, getting up, or during walks? Your pet may be in need of a joint supplement, if this is the case, ask our staff about the joint supplements we recommend.